However, releasing such a Legend at the height of Black Lives Matter protests would have been disastrous and the idea was abandoned. This also would have put him in direct conflict with his pro-military sister, Bangalore. According to former writer Tom Casiello, Jackson was originally intended to be a Legend known as Downfall, who was an anarchist and a protester, had bomb-throwing abilities, and would have came out in 2020 or 2021.Added turn slow to electrical barrier effects and increased the severity of the slow effect to movement.Increase Blue Knockdown shield health from 250 -> 300.Increased White Knockdown shield health from 150 -> 200.Reduced turn slow while reviving by 50%.Increased move speed during revive by 25%.There are a total of 49 Legend skins for Newcastle 8 Legendary, 9 Epic, 16 Rare, and 16 Common. But not without the risk of being discovered by his little sister, the Apex Legend, Bangalore. With prize money like that, he could definitely pay off the debts. With Newcastle’s armor, he could take on his identity and do what Newcastle could not: get into the Apex Games. So Lamont came up with a dangerous solution. He defeated them using his military acumen, but the Forgotten Families had plenty of reinforcements. They killed Newcastle when he couldn’t pay, unaware that Lamont was watching. But the knight had secrets of his own: Newcastle had sold off the town to pay off his debts, and thugs from a gang called the Forgotten Families came to collect. All they needed was their knight, Newcastle. Harris Valley was so peaceful that they didn’t need law enforcement. Years later, "Lamont" moved to an idyllic little town called Harris Valley, where he fell in love and got married. So when he was presumed dead in a ship explosion, he used that opportunity to leave his life behind, even if it meant leaving her behind too. He knew he would never be safe from the remnants of the IMC-and neither would his sister, Anita, as long as she was with him.

But Lamont had secrets-the first being his real name, Jackson Williams.Ī top soldier for the IMC, Jackson went AWOL when he ignored direct orders to fight what he believed was a losing battle. Sure, he dropped the kids off at school and acted out multiple voices every night for Story Time with his toddler. Lamont Craig wasn’t like other dads in the neighborhood.

If Newcastle uses the ultimate, but for some reason does not land and make the wall (including being downed), 70% of the charge is refunded.The outward facing side is electrified for 30 seconds, stunning and dealing 20 damage to enemies who attempt to climb over it.The short segments, when destroyed by attacks, will also bring down the other short segments near them.Each part of the wall can be destroyed with 2 melee attacks.

Target an area, which Newcastle will leap to.